I had a dream – The Galápagos Islands

De flesta tänker på alla edemiska fåglar och djur som man kan få uppleva på nära håll när man säger Galapagos. Det gjorde även jag. Väl på plats fick jag uppleva att landskapet var också mycket intressant och varierat.

De 4 bilderna nedan har jag fått publicerat i det engelska e-magasinet OnLandscape (nr 134). OnLandscape är ett magasin med hög kvalite. Det gör att jag känner mig nöjd med att få bli publicerad ännu en gång. Förra gången var det 4 bilder från nationalparken N Kvill i Småland.

Här kommer den text somm publiceras tillsammans med bilderna. Tack Caroline för hjälpen med texten.

I had a dream – The Galápagos Islands

During the second half of the 1960s I saw a few 30 minutes TV programs on Swedish television. As I watched them a dream was born – a dream of someday being able to visit this archipelago myself. The dream became a reality in November 2016 after 18 months of planning – it was time for an adventure to South America with the Galápagos’ Islands as the highlight for me.

When we think about the Galápagos Islands we envision encounters with birds, sealion, iguanas, etc. Animals that aren’t shy or reserved which gives you the opportunity to get really close to them.  But when I finally got there I realized that the scenery was an equally good experience. November means drought season – on the volcanic islands – during which the landscape is characterized by trees and bushes that are withered and therefor appear to be dead. The use of this bare landscape when I created my images was really interesting.

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